
couldn't ask for more

So yet again I was blessed with a very lazy, glorious Sunday.  Sitting in bed, watching tv, eating popcorn, playing on the computer, and enjoying the pretty view of snow outside my window.  Doesn't get much better than that.

I'm praying for another snow day tomorrow... Fayetteville public schools are already closed, and as much as I just want to sleep in, I really can't get out of the parking lot.  Poor Elizabeth (my car) just cant handle precipitation or hills. If the university is open, I will have to scrape about 1/2 an inch of ice and 5 inches of snow off my car tomorrow before class.... with my hands.  My ice scraper is conveniently stuck in the trunk under 1/2 an inch of ice and 5 inches of snow. perfect.  I will then have to attempt to get out of my parking lot.  I don't foresee this happening. we'll see.

Well this weekend ended up being very relaxing... I relied on a few friends for rides and shelter because of the ice and we ended up having a great time.  I'm glad to be back safe and warm in my apartment though. This ice storm didn't exactly reach the extremity of last year's, which I am very grateful for. All in all it was a good time.

I came to the conclusion last night that I desperately need a pet.  I found myself actually missing my old pet fish, sammy, which for those of you who had the pleasure of meeting sammy, you know just about how boring he was.  Staring contests and his big nose were about the only good things about him.  Luckily, I found someone else that could appreciate his existence more (thanks dad), but his absence is taking a toll on me.  I need a pet.  and more specifically, a dog.  real bad.  My present circumstances do not allow this though.  sighhhhhh.

Another thing I've realized lately is how lucky I am to have the family that I do.  Now that this whole pre-med process is over, I realized how I couldn't have done any of it with out them.  I know how proud they are of me, and I just hope they all know how much I appreciate it and love them for it.  Thanks, family, for being so great. I would also like to thank them all for being most of my followers. ha :)

I finally took some pictures to fulfill one of my new years resolutions, but the USB chord is broken.  So, instead of posting my own pics, I'll post some other people's pics from Fayetteville ice storm 2010.

okay that was the only one I could find.  Old Main on campus covered in snow and ice.  best view in Fayetteville.

Now, as some of you know, I'm president of the Big Brothers Big Sisters student organization on campus.  We have a big event coming up in February that helps raise money for the community agency. We are having a university bowl night, where students from the campus put together bowling teams of five.  Each person has to raise $100 for the event and it all goes to helping pay for the Big/ Little matches.  Tad, myself, and a few others are on a team and are attempting to raise the money! You can go to this link : https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=332144&supId=247045640
and it will take you directly to my donation page! This is our first year trying to do this university bowl and we would love all the help we can get! Thanks so much!

Okay sorry for the minor propaganda.  I don't have much to do tonight, so I might just update this post later on as I think of more random, insignificant thoughts that pop through my head.

I'll leave on one final picture that I always thoroughly enjoy seeing.  Maybe I'll have a camel as a pet one day. I took this in a marketplace in Morocco last summer...

Can't you just imagine it chewing and spitting? love it.


  1. Nick (www.datswhasup.com)February 1, 2010 at 10:10 PM

    hahahaha that's a freaking awesome picture. Kinda looks like you when you text. and for the dog thing,take millie. She don't like me anymore cause someone around our house has to lay the law down on that b**** (get it? haha)

  2. oh and sammy is dead

    just kidding

  3. hahahahahahaha I would love to take millie! how is sammy doing by the way? still swimming in that fishy way of his? what a jokester.

    p.s.... datswhasup.com... is that your website? I tried going to it, but it doesn't exist.
