
I've got an itch that needs to be scratched.

I'm itching to change my blog design.  This is a character flaw of mine, I think. Well, it depends on how you look at it I guess.  I just can't seem to leave well enough alone.  As a kid, I always needed to rearrange my room every year (or every 6 months) just to get a fresh new look.  My last apartment and my current apartment sort of inhibit this as my furniture can really only sit one way in the somewhat tiny space I'm given.  So, I must fulfill this urge for a new look in a different outlet.  I'm thinking my blog design.

Can you tell I'm struggling to find things to talk about?

For the past couple days, I've sat on my oh-so-comfy recliner, watching tv, and... well, doing just that.  all day, every day.  You'd think this would get old.  But, I look at like this: I will never, ever again be able to experience this freedom (at least until I retire).  What's one thing you always hear working adults yearn for?  Time to themselves or with their loved one.  Everyone wants it and needs it, but rarely gets it.  There's always something or someone to worry about, whether it's family, job, finances, or (fill in blank).

So... here I am. Nothing to do, and loving every bit of it.  I'm lucky to have this time before med school and I'm going to darn well use it, thank you very much.

Anyway, back to the point.  I'm itching for a new look.  Part of this stems from the recent visit to Richmond, where I was able to see my dream apartment that, regretfully, my sister lives in (regretfully because I don't live there).  Hardwood floors, the perfect kitchen, light purple paint, natural light flowing in through the abundant windows, and the smell (oh the smell!) Let me clarify here... because I just sounded like creepy McCreepster.

My Aunt Ann's house smells incredible.  Not sure what it is but it smells homey and wonderful.  I always look/looked forward to going to her house because of how it smells.  Brings back great memories.  Picture the scent of a house full of flowers with something always baking in the oven.  Anywho, Erin's apartment now smells like this.  Which is probably what made me fall in love with the apartment in the first place.  I just realized that this explanation just made me sound even creepier but whatever.  Just deal with the creepiness.

Okay, so back to the blog design.  Maybe I should just leave it and buy a new picture or vase of flowers or something.  Or maybe I should bake something.  I haven't done that in a while. Or maybe I should start brainstorming ideas for my next blog so I don't make you endure reading random thoughts in my head again.  Yeah... I'll go for the latter.


Dear friends,

I have been a horrible, no good, very, very bad blogger. I'm sorry.  My cooking has been lacking and well... my brain just doesn't want to be creative right now.  I made snickerdoodle cookies last week and let's just say my dog Kate wouldn't even touch them (she eats everything you put in front of her... aside from vegetables. obviously).  I was a bit disgruntled considering this was the first thing I made in my new kitchen and they are also one of the easiest cookies to bake.  I'll blame the cookbook.  yeah.  the cookbook made me do it.

Anywho, it's 5:50 am and I have to head to Leawood to pick up the brosef.  We're heading to Virginia for a week long fantabulous trip of siblings only.  I couldn't be more excited... aside from never really venturing to the east coast, my siblings and I are mischievous little rascals when we're together.  An 18 hour car ride is the only daunting aspect of this trip. A really daunting one.

Well, better scoot, friends.  It's been good talking to you.  Let's do this again in a week.




ehhhh eetsa Italiano!

okay folks.  I just had the most incredible dinner.  It didn't involve heating.  It didn't involve frying.  It didn't involve broiling, baking, or sauteeing.

No. Cooking. Involved.

So what was this dinner, you ask?

It involved me dragging myself to KC's city market and forcing myself to go to the Italian deli where they sell all kinds of fresh meats and cheeses and breads and pastries...

(practically at gunpoint) I forced myself to buy pepperoni, salami, smoked gouda, and fresh italian bread.

This is getting serious.

I then begrudgingly carried my goods home and then completely against my will...

drizzled olive oil on the bread...

sliced juicy red tomatoes...

stacked the cheese, meats, and tomatoes between the fresh, moist, olive oil soaked bread...

and devoured the little piece of heaven.

Please, nobody move to kansas city.

It makes you do crazy crazy things.