
Cinnamon Roll Muffins

Let me just start off by saying these are not at the top of my "must-make-all-the-time" list... you could possibly say this was a recipe fail.  There's nothing more frustrating than spending an hour an a half of your day on something that you end up throwing in the garbage in the end.  If I were truly a dedicated food blogger, I would clean off my hands and go at it again, trying to get that perfect recipe to show your readers.  Seeing as how I have about 5 readers, family included, I don't quite feel up to perfecting this thing.  I'm just going to chalk it up as a failure.  

Easy ingredients, easy recipe.  For those of you who have made cinnamon rolls from scratch... bravo to you.  I'd like to shake your hand.  As much as I love them, the idea of spending that many hours making them has always seemed daunting and thus, I have avoided doing it.  However, this recipe does not require the many hours of waiting for the bread to rise or rolling the dough to get the perfect cinnamon:bread ratio.  Prep time is actually about 20 minutes and cooking time is about 20.  Not too shabby. 

So far so good...

Now here's where we run into the problem.  The recipe called for a pretty large sized bowl of the cinnamon sugar mixture.  With a recipe providing such an immense amount, one thinks that entire amount must be used.  wrongo.

Notice the burned cinnamon sugar around the sides? There was, alas, a too little bread: cinnamon ratio. The sugar overflowed (even though I mixed a lot of the sugar into the dough... as I was told to) and burned the crap out of my pan.  And my cinnamon rolls.

The insides were delicious, but unfortunately, the outsides were just too burnt to continue.  I would suggest NOT trying to use all of the sugar mixture that was in the recipe... Just lightly dust it.  You will probably end up with a large bowl of sugar left but, hey, some pumpkin pancakes could use some!

You can find the recipe here! I really would suggest making these... they were super easy but dumbo over here used too much sugar. Easy problem to fix!


Pumpkin Pancakes

Well, I'm back.  I've decided to start the blog up again.  Maybe it's a New Year's resolution.  Maybe it's just boredom during my last week of break.  Regardless, I'm back... with some changes.  I'm hoping this blog will be a little bit more structured... more cooking focused, less rambling.  I received a new camera for Christmas that will allow me to take a lot better photos of the food I cook.  I'm so looking forward to learning more about it and hopefully improving my cooking skills along the way.  Unfortunately, the photos don't turn out as great on this blog as I had hoped they would but still better than the camera I was using before! My horrible kitchen doesn't really help either.... I'm stuck having to take photos in fluorescent light.  Ick. Hopefully, my next kitchen will provide me some natural light!

I adapted this recipe from the Good to the Grain cookbook.  Kim Boyce does a great job of incorporating very different flours (aside from the traditional white flour) into the recipes while maintaining simplicity.

The recipe called for Kamut flour but seeing as how I really don't even know how to pronounce that word, I traded it out for whole- wheat flour.

 I also halved the recipe... the original yielded 20 pancakes.  That's a bit much for a girl and her dog to eat.
The topping she suggested and included the recipe for was a spiced sugar blend.  Sounded delicious but I'm more of a syrup/ fruity kind of gal on my pancakes.   I added a little bit of apple butter to the pancakes and it turned out divine.  The apple butter complimented the pumpkin and cinnamon in the pancakes, making for an overall delicious (and healthy) breakfast!


Yields about 20 pancakes


Butter for the pan

Dry mix:
1 cup whole-wheat (she used Kamut flour) flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp allspice

Wet mix:
3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 1/4 cup whole milk
1 cup buttermilk
2/3 cup pumpkin puree
2 Tbsp. honey
1 egg

Spiced Sugar:
1/3 cup sugar
2 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. allspice


1. Sift dry ingredietns into large bowl. set aside.
2. In medium bowl, whisk wet ingredients until thoroughly combined.
3. Using spatula, mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients.  Gently fold batter together with spatula.  The batter should be the consistency of lightly whipped cream and have a subtle orange hue.
4. Mix together spiced sugar. Set aside. 
5. Heat a 10-inch cast- iron or griddle over medium heat until water sizzles when splashed on pan. Rub the pan generously with butter. 
6. Dollop 1/4-cup mounds of batter into the pan (2 or 3 at a time). Once bubbles from on top of pancake, flip over and cook until pancake is dark-golden brown.
7. Wipe pan with cloth before next batch.
8. Serve pancakes hot, with spiced sugar sprinkled on top. 


Why I Haven't Blogged: Chapter 1

I'm very fortunate to be attending a medical school that offers their students informational sessions that they believe to be beneficial to their students.  One such session was held last week, and we were graciously given a speech on financial aid, specifically to paint the picture of the debt an average medical student will incur over a 25 year plan.  They offered us a very grim, sobering, and astonishing number of $900,000.  

moving on....

The next session was held today.  It was a planning session that gave us an idea of how to build our schedules.  They had us make a list of everything we cannot survive a week without.  They then gave us a grid that listed days of the week on top and all the hours in the day to the side.  Yes, it was a time table and we were to fill it out.

I'll skip the gory stuff and get straight to the moral of the story.  My life now, divided into hours:

(How much a day I need to spend doing the following activities)

Sleep: 7 hours 
Attending lecture: 4 hours
Attending lab: ~3-4 hours
Study: 5-5.5 hours
Eat meals (3): 1.5 hours
Commuting, getting ready (hygiene), and staring at a wall to relax: 2 hours

Totaling the high end of every one of those activities: 24 hours

Notice what is NOT on that list?  Spending time with Tad, spending time with my family, spending time with my friends, grocery shopping, doing laundry, cleaning my apartment, exercising, reading, watching tv, etc, etc, etc....

Granted, my weekends will have a bit more free time... specifically, 10 hours more.  Yes, it's that technical.  
5pm- 12 am on Saturday: free time (to be spent with tad and friends) 
6 pm- 9 pm on Sundays (to be spent with family).  
Also, we have to keep in mind that this type of "weekend" will only happen every other weekend... as every other weekend is a test weekend. Test weekends will have 0 hours of free time and significantly less sleep.

I don't think I'm going to go to those sessions anymore.

(p.s.... don't be fooled by the title.  There will probably not be a chapter 2 for quite some time.)


Finally caught up.

When it comes to certain things, such as technology, I am usually the last person aboard the boat.  Well, aside from my mother ha.

A few things have recently come into my possession of which I'm about 3 years behind the rest of the world in getting.

And I think... what took me so long?? Obviously financial reasons but fortunately enough, these items sort of just fell into my lap. By the grace of god? no, by a brother who got a free itouch with his mac and a boyfriend whose itch to play video games sparked him to get a wii game system.  It also helps that I have a brother going to college who is willing to give us all of his wii games... including wii fit. I guess my fortune cookie was right... I've had some very lucky past couple of weeks.

People, I have a sick obsession with wii fit.  Good thing? oh. yes.  Never did I think I would be obsessed with working out or breaking a sweat.  However, the day has come.  I've never had so much fun running.  I'm talking crazy talk.  Anyone want to try to beat me at the ski jump? bring it.

And for the past two hours (yes, it is not even 10 am) I have been messing with my new itouch.  Did I mention how much I love apple software? well, I do. And my luck has continued, as every app I want happens to be free. What's going on here? Does this mean my next two weeks are going to suck something serious? Let's hope not... med school is just around the corner.

Okay and I know that I am REALLY behind the times in getting the game Words with Friends, but for all of you out there who haven't given up on the game yet/ still play the game, wanna play???


The time has come.

Would you believe it if I told you that I have finally found and made my favorite dinner and dessert (or some would call it breakfast) out of everything I have ever made??

Well, I have.  Believe it.

It seems as though nothing I have made in the past or anything I will make in the future will ever live up to the deliciousness of these recipes. I know it seems as though everything I make is my favorite because of my overzealousness about certain things, but seriously, trust me.  believe me.  These are my favorite.

And you know what the best part about this is? These recipes are so easy to make.  Even joe schmo can make them (who is joe schmo anyway? This stumped me on my crossword puzzle today).  So, to all of you joes or josefinas out there, get up and make these recipes.  Along with making your apartment/ home smell like Christmas (which, honestly, who wouldn't want that), they make you and your belly happy.

I know what you're all thinking... quit with the embellishing and just get to the recipes.  right?

okay okay, here they are... go get 'em folks.

Zucchini Ricotta Galette

My mouth just watered looking at this again. 
Garlicky, Cheesy, Zucchini-y goodness.

Big Crumb Coffee Cake

(Guess what's in it! RHUBARB!!!!!!)
I have a pound of rhubarb still left in my fridge even AFTER I made two batches of this.
Guess who's going to be eating a lot of rhubarb??? 
I know I know, settle down, folks.  I'll save you some.

One big crumb.
Hence, big crumb coffee cake

I have a confession.
I ate two pieces of this for lunch.  That's how good it is.


I have redeemed myself.

Okay, people, it's time.

Let's talk about rhubarb. That oh-so-odd vegetable/fruit that I has been the focus of all of my trips to the market.  I was seeking redemption.  And I found it.

Here's where rhubarb, strawberry, and I began our journey:

And here's where we ended:

With so much goodness in between:

This pie was worth the wait.  It was worth all of the searching, all of the agonizing trips to the market that ended with empty hands, all of the tormented reads of bloggers who seemed to be over-flowing with rhubarb. It was worth all of it. Do you all feel as relieved as I do? Probably not, but I'll pretend you do.

Oh, and I figured out that last time it wasn't the rhubarb that was the problem.  All rhubarb sort of has that metallic tartness (remember that description of it tasting like a handful of pennies?), but the KEY is to add a crap load of sugar and another sweet fruit to balance it.  Hence, the strawberries. Rhubarb and strawberry were meant for each other.

The end.


I've got an itch that needs to be scratched.

I'm itching to change my blog design.  This is a character flaw of mine, I think. Well, it depends on how you look at it I guess.  I just can't seem to leave well enough alone.  As a kid, I always needed to rearrange my room every year (or every 6 months) just to get a fresh new look.  My last apartment and my current apartment sort of inhibit this as my furniture can really only sit one way in the somewhat tiny space I'm given.  So, I must fulfill this urge for a new look in a different outlet.  I'm thinking my blog design.

Can you tell I'm struggling to find things to talk about?

For the past couple days, I've sat on my oh-so-comfy recliner, watching tv, and... well, doing just that.  all day, every day.  You'd think this would get old.  But, I look at like this: I will never, ever again be able to experience this freedom (at least until I retire).  What's one thing you always hear working adults yearn for?  Time to themselves or with their loved one.  Everyone wants it and needs it, but rarely gets it.  There's always something or someone to worry about, whether it's family, job, finances, or (fill in blank).

So... here I am. Nothing to do, and loving every bit of it.  I'm lucky to have this time before med school and I'm going to darn well use it, thank you very much.

Anyway, back to the point.  I'm itching for a new look.  Part of this stems from the recent visit to Richmond, where I was able to see my dream apartment that, regretfully, my sister lives in (regretfully because I don't live there).  Hardwood floors, the perfect kitchen, light purple paint, natural light flowing in through the abundant windows, and the smell (oh the smell!) Let me clarify here... because I just sounded like creepy McCreepster.

My Aunt Ann's house smells incredible.  Not sure what it is but it smells homey and wonderful.  I always look/looked forward to going to her house because of how it smells.  Brings back great memories.  Picture the scent of a house full of flowers with something always baking in the oven.  Anywho, Erin's apartment now smells like this.  Which is probably what made me fall in love with the apartment in the first place.  I just realized that this explanation just made me sound even creepier but whatever.  Just deal with the creepiness.

Okay, so back to the blog design.  Maybe I should just leave it and buy a new picture or vase of flowers or something.  Or maybe I should bake something.  I haven't done that in a while. Or maybe I should start brainstorming ideas for my next blog so I don't make you endure reading random thoughts in my head again.  Yeah... I'll go for the latter.


Dear friends,

I have been a horrible, no good, very, very bad blogger. I'm sorry.  My cooking has been lacking and well... my brain just doesn't want to be creative right now.  I made snickerdoodle cookies last week and let's just say my dog Kate wouldn't even touch them (she eats everything you put in front of her... aside from vegetables. obviously).  I was a bit disgruntled considering this was the first thing I made in my new kitchen and they are also one of the easiest cookies to bake.  I'll blame the cookbook.  yeah.  the cookbook made me do it.

Anywho, it's 5:50 am and I have to head to Leawood to pick up the brosef.  We're heading to Virginia for a week long fantabulous trip of siblings only.  I couldn't be more excited... aside from never really venturing to the east coast, my siblings and I are mischievous little rascals when we're together.  An 18 hour car ride is the only daunting aspect of this trip. A really daunting one.

Well, better scoot, friends.  It's been good talking to you.  Let's do this again in a week.




ehhhh eetsa Italiano!

okay folks.  I just had the most incredible dinner.  It didn't involve heating.  It didn't involve frying.  It didn't involve broiling, baking, or sauteeing.

No. Cooking. Involved.

So what was this dinner, you ask?

It involved me dragging myself to KC's city market and forcing myself to go to the Italian deli where they sell all kinds of fresh meats and cheeses and breads and pastries...

(practically at gunpoint) I forced myself to buy pepperoni, salami, smoked gouda, and fresh italian bread.

This is getting serious.

I then begrudgingly carried my goods home and then completely against my will...

drizzled olive oil on the bread...

sliced juicy red tomatoes...

stacked the cheese, meats, and tomatoes between the fresh, moist, olive oil soaked bread...

and devoured the little piece of heaven.

Please, nobody move to kansas city.

It makes you do crazy crazy things.


Oh, to be there again...

seriously, someone please make me get out of bed.  And for the love of all that is holy, please pry mac from my fingers.

I enjoy mornings in bed, drinking my coffee, and catching up in the blog world, but people, I move to kansas city in 4 days. I've GOT to start packing. seriously.

What am I doing instead? Trying to find a savory tart to christen my new tart pan.  I've got some ideas... I see tomatoes... fresh herbs... cheese... wine...

I need to be moving to Paris instead.

I got into a recent conversation with someone about the differences in the health care systems and overall well beings of people in America vs. people in Europe.  It's astonishing how there is such a lack of obese people in Europe.  However, look at what they eat? There's cheese, wine, and bread in France... Chorizo, paella, tortilla española, and delicious Tiggiani gelato in Spain... heavy pasta, pizza and wine in Italy...

but nobody is fat.  The only slightly obese people I saw in these countries were the elderly. To me, that comes with age and is indicative of a well-lived life.

I had meals of these sizes twice a day in Spain for two and a half months...

(The first course of a meal in Madrid)

(these are the remnants of a meal... I was actually given half a loaf of bread to pair with my roast chicken and half a tortilla española)

And almost nightly (sometimes twice a day), we followed up our meals with this...

And guess what? I hardly gained any weight.  Walking 30 minutes to class and 30 minutes back was my salvation.  Why don't Americans do this? I really am curious. And why do Americans not value their meals? Eating times in Europe are the chances to spend time with friends and family (They take a two hour break in the middle of the day to go home and eat)... they value their meals and the time they spend eating them.  In America, when lunch time hits, people run to the nearest fast food chain to scarf down whatever they can.  How did we get off track with this mentality?

Now don't get me wrong, as soon as I returned to the states my American ways set back in and are currently in practice right now (seriously, someone please make me get out of bed).

Contemplating these issues makes me yearn for the days in Europe all over again...

I'm all for my friends and family packing up and moving there.  Who's with me?


The Leawood, KS Zoo.

I love animals.  This is no surprise to anyone who knows me.

However, I am a bit discriminatory when it comes to the animals I show my affection for.

So, of course, I think the best animals in the world are in the White House.  The White House located in Leawood, KS, that is.

Meet Kate. She is a bit intimidating but couldn't harm a flee.  Well, unless you are trying to take food away from her.  The girl enjoys her food. Which is also why she is pushing 100 lbs. no biggie.

(this is the only pic I have on my new computer of just kate)

Now, meet Millie.  The newest member to the White House zoo.  She is a bit prissy and has quite the attitude most of the time.  She is also the most cuddly and sweet looking dog I have ever known (aside from Kate of course... my loyalties are always and forever to Kate).   

Millie can be a bit of a rascal sometimes...

Notice the upside down suitcase on the floor... millie thought she needed more space on the bed.

She decided to play in some mud outside... her punishment? A bath in the kitchen sink by mom.  

Ugh she always makes me melt.

And now, what should be considered our 3rd dog... Snickers.  The bunny. Not much to say about snickers except that he's huge and likes to hang out on our deck outside.  He's also really soft and sheds like it's his job.  Don't wear black around him.

He's about half the size of Kate... Kate has the weight of a small human.  We feed our animals well.

We also have a fish... Sammy. He's a hand-me-down from me.  He doesn't do much but swim around and make his water dirty.  I guess I'm just not a big fan of fish. He has a funny looking nose though (do fish have noses?).  I don't have a picture of him, but if you go to petsmart, look for a male beta fish and you'll get a pretty good idea of what sammy looks like. Not much to him.

We also have mutant spiders/crickets in our basement: Spickets. (don't click on the link if you're queasy)  They are the spawn of satan.  I don't know if you guys know this, but spiders are my worst fear.  So... take the creepiness/ horrible-ness of spiders and add a two-foot jumping ability and you get Spickets.  (Apparently they are also called Cannibalistic Cave Crickets because they eat their own legs when they fall off... which happens often) Call them what you will... I think they should all die. 

I'm sorry... this is the most ridiculous post I've ever written.  You know when people show you pictures of their kids and you're like "uhhh... that's great. adorable. wow. what a cute kid" but really you're thinking "that kid looks just like every other kid I know... why are they showing me these pictures. I couldn't care less".  That's probably what's happening right now in this post.  sorry.

on a side note... look at this frog that tried to have dinner with us one night! 

Animals like this frog are fun to look at, but if it were to jump on me, I would forever hate frogs.  

Note to all non-human and non-dog animals: Stay away from me and I'll like you.  Come too close, and you might was well be dead to me.

I'm talking to you, birds...


Hi I'm Natalie and I have an oreo problem.

Ever heard of the saying "give me an inch, and I'll take a mile"? Well, folks, give me an oreo cookie and I'll eat the whole box.

Which is why I only eat them maybe twice a year.  Now, here comes the problem. I just learned how to make homemade oreos. seriously.  They are as good as the nabisco ones except bigger. problem.

Now here's the other problem... I made many of them..

My only saving grace was the trip home to KC... I was able to bring them home to family members to eat.  Otherwise, I would have eaten them all. seriously.

On top of making entirely way too many delicious oreos, I also decided to crank out some buttermilk pies.  

Ladies, put on your pretty apron and pearls and make this pie.

(can you tell I was born in the wrong generation?)

The pictures aren't great, so I'm going to opt out of posting the pictures and make you use your imagination... or you could just make the pies and see for yourself :)

Okay, now I'm sorry for having waited a week and a half to blog. I would have written sooner but with the graduation party, family in town, and my separation from mac, writing was just out of the question.  My goal for this week: write everyday.  It's a pretty hefty goal considering I have so much to do, but I will certainly try to squeeze it in during or between Law and Order: SVU episodes.

Hint for tomorrow's blog:

you'll just have to wait and see.

p.s.: If you would like very informative and interesting political views, visit our newest friend to the blog world.  It's fascinating.