
Hi I'm Natalie and I have an oreo problem.

Ever heard of the saying "give me an inch, and I'll take a mile"? Well, folks, give me an oreo cookie and I'll eat the whole box.

Which is why I only eat them maybe twice a year.  Now, here comes the problem. I just learned how to make homemade oreos. seriously.  They are as good as the nabisco ones except bigger. problem.

Now here's the other problem... I made many of them..

My only saving grace was the trip home to KC... I was able to bring them home to family members to eat.  Otherwise, I would have eaten them all. seriously.

On top of making entirely way too many delicious oreos, I also decided to crank out some buttermilk pies.  

Ladies, put on your pretty apron and pearls and make this pie.

(can you tell I was born in the wrong generation?)

The pictures aren't great, so I'm going to opt out of posting the pictures and make you use your imagination... or you could just make the pies and see for yourself :)

Okay, now I'm sorry for having waited a week and a half to blog. I would have written sooner but with the graduation party, family in town, and my separation from mac, writing was just out of the question.  My goal for this week: write everyday.  It's a pretty hefty goal considering I have so much to do, but I will certainly try to squeeze it in during or between Law and Order: SVU episodes.

Hint for tomorrow's blog:

you'll just have to wait and see.

p.s.: If you would like very informative and interesting political views, visit our newest friend to the blog world.  It's fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. those look amazing! and i LOOOOOOOOVE buttermilk pie.
