

I have absolutely nothing to complain about.  I'm sitting in bed, listening/watching it storm outside, watching Pleasantville on tv, and drinking my delicious coffee.

However, I'm feeling bummed.  When I want to complain about petty things, this is where I go. sorry.

My sister, a 6th grade english teacher, was blessed with never getting sick (seriously, it's a running joke in the family).  Even when she worked with all those kids for a year, she never got sick.  However, I am currently sick and am going to blame my sister's recent visit.  I think she passed on the diseases that 6th graders have to me.  I have a sinus headache right now that makes me want to chop off my head.  seriously.  I got 4 hours of sleep last night because of this said headache.  When I woke up from my "nap", the headache was still there.  taunting me.  It has made my week of freedom an uncomfortable one, and I'm ready for it to skidaddle.

On top of this nasty cold/ sinus thing I've got going on, my favorite food blogger somewhat disappointed me. Actually, not 'somewhat', she really did. Last night she posted a pretty difficult recipe for a braided lemon bread.  The instructions were a bit confusing, so I worked up the guts to comment on her blog.  This may not sound like a big deal but, people, this lady has THOUSANDS of followers.  For me to comment and her to respond would be like a celebrity talking to me (I take pleasure in the little things in life... if you haven't noticed).  I was so excited to comment and have her respond to my question.  But you know what? she didn't.  And she has now responded to two people that posted comments after me.  Apparently there are such things as stupid questions, and I guess I asked one last night that was not worth responding to.  I'm bummed.

I hope I can get out of bed to make it to my movie this afternoon.  I feel like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh. Ohhhh bother...


  1. sorry my nasty children got you sick again...but the reason I never get sick is that I am extremely cautious and healthy when I need to be, but I have a little Connie in me.

    For example, I work out, eat healthy, and I have an orange every day. However, I liberally apply the "five second" rule to my life. I will pick things up and eat them after they have fallen on the floor. The combination of these two things has equalled a blessed immune system.

    good day.

    p.s. sorry that you are being neglected by a fellow blogger...I know that this must be simply devestating.

  2. haha erin you are so mean. I'm definitely the nicer sister. and yes, it is simply devastating. thanks for caring :)

  3. I can't believe you posted a comment! So proud! I saw that bread and would like to try it but I haven't looked at the recipe but now I am nervous. I don't like that she didn't respond, it seems rude, it makes me like her blog less now.

  4. This is actually Rachel Baker.....you were probably wondering who Kayla Dillman was. I am at her house on her computer and I don't know how to change the name.

  5. ha i was so confused! I was like who the heck is kayla dillman and why is she commenting on my blog!

    And yeah I'm still bitter about it all. I'm not going to make the lemon bread just to spite her. That'll get her ha.
