
The time has come.

Would you believe it if I told you that I have finally found and made my favorite dinner and dessert (or some would call it breakfast) out of everything I have ever made??

Well, I have.  Believe it.

It seems as though nothing I have made in the past or anything I will make in the future will ever live up to the deliciousness of these recipes. I know it seems as though everything I make is my favorite because of my overzealousness about certain things, but seriously, trust me.  believe me.  These are my favorite.

And you know what the best part about this is? These recipes are so easy to make.  Even joe schmo can make them (who is joe schmo anyway? This stumped me on my crossword puzzle today).  So, to all of you joes or josefinas out there, get up and make these recipes.  Along with making your apartment/ home smell like Christmas (which, honestly, who wouldn't want that), they make you and your belly happy.

I know what you're all thinking... quit with the embellishing and just get to the recipes.  right?

okay okay, here they are... go get 'em folks.

Zucchini Ricotta Galette

My mouth just watered looking at this again. 
Garlicky, Cheesy, Zucchini-y goodness.

Big Crumb Coffee Cake

(Guess what's in it! RHUBARB!!!!!!)
I have a pound of rhubarb still left in my fridge even AFTER I made two batches of this.
Guess who's going to be eating a lot of rhubarb??? 
I know I know, settle down, folks.  I'll save you some.

One big crumb.
Hence, big crumb coffee cake

I have a confession.
I ate two pieces of this for lunch.  That's how good it is.

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