
yeah I know...

Okay so I know I just updated, but I felt the need to add a little more.

I'm sorta stuck in my apartment because of the ice storm, which I love, but I'm trying to think of things to do.  I haven't really been in this predicament in a LONG time.  Last year during the ice storm, I had to worry about turning in my thesis proposal.  No electricity + looming thesis proposal date = NOT GOOD. Well luckily, that is not the case this year.

I just sat down to do a puzzle... but that didn't really satiate my boredom.  I'm sort of in the mood to watch a romance movie, but my present company will probably not allow that.  I think I might make some vita-muffins? that sounds a little too healthy though. chocolate chip cookies would probably be better all around.

If you can't tell, I'm bored.

One thing I love: the wind blowing outside.  that whistling sound it makes. It always makes me think of the Wind and the Willows.  I imagine I'm a mole living in a little cottage with cute curtains and the wind blowing outside.  It's such a cozy feeling and those feelings are always the best.


  1. Puzzles are lame...try poetry. eat some almonds and try to write a poem for the task at hand. Passes the time really well for me

  2. um....wow. How about you read!!! I would loooove a day to lay in bed and read...Im thinking of doing it all day tomorrow. I have so many good books you need to read.

    1. Half-broke Horses (same author as the Glass Castle)
    2. The Book Thief
    3. Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson (I am making my kids read it)

    My kids are soooo into reading right now ( I made a new year's resolution for them to read 20 by June...some are already almost done! They are making fun of me because I am only on my fourth!

    Start your own list!

  3. yeah erin how about you include the book I gave you..jerk
