
the post no one will want to read.

Okay so I know Valentine's day is a love/ hate relationship; you love it if you're with someone, hate it when you're not.  I know.... I've hated it for the past 22 years. But I have to talk about my valentine's day just for a bit. I mean Tad was my first valentine so I deserved a good one right? :)

On Sunday morning I was surprised with 2 dozen roses and chocolates delivered to my door. Definitely a nice thing to wake up to.  The roses were followed by a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes and then laying in bed all day watching movies.  I was then taken to Shogun's for a very nice dinner and then to a movie.  We got to the movie a bit late and had to sit in the front row, but it was amusing.  Sherlock Holmes was definitely a good movie but not sure if it was worth the $20 at the theater.  Anywho... the night was concluded with Goodfellas and wine.  Goodfellas= superb.  After watching all of the Sopranos, all the Godfather movies, and now Goodfellas... I sorta want to be a gangster? I mean not really cause the women in those movies aren't exactly treated up to par but part of their lives seem very glamorous.

my roses:

Okay, so I'm done with the valentine's day part.

Now I need to make a little complaint about something... I know all I have to do is think of the movie, Precious, and be brought back to reality, but I mainly just have a beef to pick with someone. That someone is Mr. Weather.  I'm not exactly a fan of walking 10 feet from my car to class and can't feel my ears when I get there.  On top of 7℉ wind chill, Mr. Weather actually adds bitter wind to the bitter cold and what you get is misery and pain.  The cold is seriously painful.  I'm not a fan and would like to tell Mr. Weather to quit with the jokes.  the cold is not funny.  On top of numbness, the cold is causing my brakes to squeal enough to make your ears bleed. Because of the stupid rule of yielding to pedestrians, everyone on campus has to endure the shrill, irritating noise coming from my car every time I reach a crosswalk.  Sorry everyone, blame Mr. Weather.

This is what Mr. weather did in Kansas City on Sunday: 50+ car pile-up.

Moving on to better things... I leave for San Francisco on Saturday! Leaving very early from Fayetteville to fly out of Tulsa at 10:00 am.  I'm attending the annual Biophysical Society meeting to present some research.  Luckily I only present for an hour on Tuesday, and the rest of the time is leisure.  How great is that?! All paid for too! Monday will consist of an all day wine tour through the Napa Valley, including a picnic at one of the wineries.  can't wait. I need a working camera though! shoot the boot. better get on that.

Okay so I'm going to bring it up just one last time. Bowl For Kids Sake is this thursday! It raises money to match Bigs with littles in Northwest Arkansas.  Big Brothers Big Sisters requires $1,000 for each match, so Bowl For Kids Sake is extremely important for their success.  I need 3 more people on my team, so if you are interested it's going to be a lot of fun! If you want to donate or join my team, just click here: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=332144&supId=247045640

Sorry this is an extremely long post... I'm sitting in lab yet again, so I figure why not ramble on a website that has maybe 6 followers?  I appreciate all of you.  :)

Now just for the heck of it, I'm going to post one more of these.  I can't get enough! 


  1. 1. wow. long one. my lunch break is only so long and that is when i read these, so keep it short.
    2. for someone who has no money...how come you have seen every new movie out?
    3. I would hate to be the middle car in that pile up
    4. I am sending you two good books today, but that is all so dont get too excited.
    5. have fun in san fran...can you believe I have still never been to cali?? have a good look around for me!
    6. love you. bye.

  2. ooh and happy fat tuesday!!! What are you giving up for lent? I think I am going to give up being fat. just an idea though....

  3. ha ha...

    1. I can't help it when my mind wonders while writing. It's called creative thinking and don't stifle it. take a longer lunch break.
    2. I sell myself on the streets to pay for the movies. totally worth it.
    3. I would hate to be any car in that pile up.
    4. let's make the care package a little bigger. thanks.
    5. will you get me a power cord for the camera? then I'll have something to show you when I get back.
    6. love you too.

  4. you both are ridiculous... and i love it!
    i have decided to give up the fbomb for lent. lets see how long that lasts...
    and hellluuuuu i had to avoid all highways on sunday because of those accidents. noooo fuN!
