
these are a few of my favorite things...

So I'm having one of those days... not necessarily a bad one, but things just don't seem to be on my side today (yes, I'm talking about lab... going on 6.5 hours straight, 3 more to go...getting a bit old ).

Okay so I've decided on a project of the day: my favorite things list.  ha my 5 followers are probably jumping up and down with excitement right about now. I know I know, try to contain yourselves though.  really.

Part of this inspiration came from the Shabby Chic blog I follow... the link is on the side of my blog, and it is amazing.  Rachel Ashwell ( a designer of home furnishings, Shabby Chic line) is incredibly creative and everything I want to be.  Mainly, because she loves the color pink and anything that has to do with it.  With anyone like that, I'm totally on their side.

Here it goes, in no particular order:

1. This one is fitting, as I just mentioned it in the last paragraph.  I'm going to generalize it here and just say the color pink. This is what I want my house to look like when I grow up:

Copied this from the Shabby Chic blog, so ignore the captions above and below.

2. Enya.  Nothing in the world soothes me more than her music. That and it brings back very good memories...

3. Coffee. This is really the only thing that gets me up in the morning.  Cup of coffee with 1 Tbsp of fat-free creamer makes my day about 50 points better.  I think it's safe to say I'm not the most pleasant person to be around when I haven't had my coffee.  Aside from the caffeine kick it gives me, it just tastes good. end of story.  I do have a confession though... starbucks is NOT my favorite coffee. I mean it's good, but not a favorite of mine.  It will not be going on this list. Dunkin Donuts coffee is where it's at. 


4. PUPPIES. Now this may seem very cliche, but honestly, I don't know what I would do if I could never see/ be around a puppy ever again.  You know what... I'm going to generalize this even more. I'm going to say dogs. cute dogs, that is. Not those nasty, yappy ones that have so much attitude they might as well be a cat. I'm talking about the big, cuddly ones that think they are a lap dog when they most certainly are not. The ones that will forever have the puppy eyes, and will always love you no matter what. yeah, those are my favorite ones.  As most people who know me can attest, I'm happiest when I'm around a dog.  If I could post a picture of my Kate, I would (don't have one on the new computer).  Our new dog millie has quite the attitude these days but she's a cute one. 

5. Rainy Days. Who doesn't love rainy days? Sure they ruin your hair and give most people a gloomy feeling all day... but what's better than being in bed, watching a movie/ reading a book, listening to the rain? OR... how bout those thunderstorm nights? yeah, I like those too.  Makes me feel cozy. 

6.  Last but most certainly not least... CHRISTMAS. I'm pretty sure all of you reading my blog do not need any further explanation on this.  If you spent more than an hour with me during Christmas season, you KNEW this was going to make the list.  Mind you, my Christmas season begins in October and ends in late January.  For those of you who are terribly interested, I bought a San Francisco christmas ornament.  I wish I could have a tree up all year round so I can display all of my ornaments all the time.  How glorious would that be?

So these are my absolute favorite things... I might add more later, we'll see. For the time being, enjoy.  


  1. i love you and all of your favorite things, but does tad know about the pink house concept? =)

    those puppies were verrrrry cute!

  2. can you please call you mom and have her set an appointment for me at the dental school?

  3. jane, love you too. and yes, Tad is perfectly comfortable living in an all pink house. he would prefer it actually.

    sauce boss, THAT'S your comment? of all the wonderful things you could have commented about, you asked me to schedule you a dental appointment? say whatttt?

  4. I agree with Jane on the pink house...its a bit much...maybe go with white with some pink accents...

    and where is my care package?
    I feel like I havent talked to you in forever.

    love you. bye

  5. sorry sorry... I'll try to get the care package to you. I can only work the streets so much and I've almost made enough money to send the package. I'm trying...

    and you feel like we haven't talked in forever because we haven't talked in forever! love you too! start saving for the vegas trip this summer!!

  6. vegas? when did that happen...last time we spoke we said Hawaii right?

  7. no remember we decided hawaii was going to be way expensive? and then I said Vegas and you hopped all over it. you don't remember this conversation? Erin, you've gotten older than I imagined... it all started with the 8:00 bedtime.
