
Snow Day

Sorry I've been lacking on the posts... We had a midterm today, so my life has revolved around med school and med school only.  Midterms are bittersweet... you study like crazy for a week but then you get a free afternoon when you finish the midterm!

Last Monday, Kansas City was graced with a beautiful snow! While the working adults and med students didn't get a day off, all of the schools in the area were closed (hmmph). Because of this, I'm calling it a snow day.  In leiu of posting an oh- so-yummy recipe (check back later this week!), I'm going to show you a few of my pictures from the snow day! 

Turns out, Wilson loves snow. 
Wilson is also terrified of bridges.  We have to carry him across the one in our neighborhood.

How crazy huge is this icicle??


  1. Fantastic pictures! I can't believe that crazy dog is afraid of bridges - hilarious!!

  2. Thanks!! Yeah it's pretty pathetic... he clings to us for dear life when we carry him across. Are all dogs like that?!

  3. looooove the red bird picture!
    ps: when i come visit KC, can we go visit the boulevard brewery?

  4. thanks, karly!! And um YES PLEASE?! I have YET to go there and I grew up here. so. sad.
