
Chicken and Dumplings

Sorry, my OCD is flaring up again.  I think I found a winner with this design though.  I feel comfortable in this.  This is pretty.  I love this.

The delicious things you see above are French macarons (yes, I spelled that right), and you can buy them at my new favorite store, Natasha's Mulberry & Mott.  It's beautiful and quaint.  I pretended like I was in Paris when I went there.  You should too.

By the way, you can thank my dear friend, Jane, for the new blog title.  She is oh-so-creative and witty. She happened to have started an oh-so-creative and witty blog chronicling her move to a new city. You should check it out.

(Side note: the url address for this blog changed... take note).

I'm getting awfully bossy with this post so far.  I apologize.

Let's talk about Chicken and Dumplings.

(Side note 2: I made this recipe instead of studying about cholesterol-lowering drugs like a good med student would have been doing.  Irony? yes.  I don't think my nutrition professor would be pleased about what's been happening on this blog lately).

Chicken and Dumplings, how I adore you.

This recipe, how I adore you even more.

This recipe was more time consuming than the average recipe on this blog but still equally, if not more, delicious.  With the possible "winter precipitation" headed towards KC on Monday, what could be more appetizing than chicken and dumplings? Better go get yourself some chicken.

Close up of raw chicken... yummm.

It says fat free! There, I won at something.

I would like to credit this photo to my mother.  She did a fantastic job. Kudos to you, mom. 

Delicious.  You can find the recipe here!

The dogs waiting for the left overs.  typical. 


  1. love the design.
    when are we getting macarons? or macaroons? they are different things, but both are delicious.

  2. The lovely lady at the bakery today said that "macaron" is french for macaroon... So technically they are the same thing? Just in a different language. Macaroons in English though, can mean two different things... One is a coconut cookie, the other is an almond/ egg white cookie (like the ones above). So confusing! And can we please do the 12 days of Christmas again except do 30 days of macarons? And let's do it every month? eh? Tried my first one today and they are to.die.for.

  3. here's the deal. let's learn how to make them!

  4. I think you have to be french to make them. Cause they're super duper hard to make. But let's try to find a martha stewart recipe for them. Or betty crocker. That's about down to our level.

  5. HAHA! You're puppies are hilarious! Love you!
